Wednesday, September 23, 2015



Popular Stylist Spy James Bond series is very popular and succeed in movie industry.Not only movie but also the theme songs of the series is so popular and biggest hit in music industries.Usually most famous singers used to cast for the perform the theme songs.The last 23 movie theme song were tested with success ed and made a big impect on music top chart.Here is the 5  top  and remarkable Bond theme song listing.

1# SKYFALL- ADELE : When Adele sung the Skyfall theme song many peaple thought that  the song surely gonna be the number one on Billboard,but finally it stoped with second position.But SKYFALL Was the first theme song  which is won Golden Globe,Britt Award, And Academy Award also. Adele perform S KYFALL on the stage of 85 Academy Award ceremony.

2# A VIEW TO KILL -  DURAN DURAN : In 1985 Duran Duran's  A VIEW TO KILL is the first theme song which reached at the first position on billboard hot hundred song.It  reached at the second position on  UK top chart.This was the last song of  80's popular band  DURAN DURAN,before they were reunite in 2001.

3# DIE ANOTHER DAY - MADONNA :  In 1999 the theme song of James Bond's  THE WORLD IS NOT ENOUGH was performed by Alternative rock band GARBAGE.So the producers wanted  a very famous female singer for the next Bond movie theme.Then they agreed to cast Madonna.Madonna's DIE ANOTHER DAY was success ed because this song  is different from other Bond theme song.But the funny thing is some people  did not like the theme song  for the same reason. In 2002 the song reached at the 3'rd position on UK Top Chart.

4# GOLD FINGER - SHIRLY BESSY : Many peaople think SHIRLY is the best for Bond theme song.She performed three bond theme song>GOLD FINGER, DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER, MOON RECKER.Some say Shirly's vocal is the perfect for bond theme song. Critics were compared ADELE  to Shirley in 2012's  SKYFALL release ceremony.

5# FOR YOUR EYES ONLY - SHEENA STONE :   Sheena is the Scottish singer.She is the only singer who were seen performing in bond movie. ROGER MOORE was the bond of 1981' Bond movie FOR YOUR EYES ONLY. Moore said  Sheena was more attractive than the actress.The theme song was reached at the 4rth position in BILLBOARD and 8 in UK TOP CHART.

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