It mostly based on acoustic and piano. The album Adam's early recorded project. The album contained 11 song and one bonus track. All songs are very smooth and catchy with beautiful lyric. The track called " Brealle " is the first single of this album. The song tells us a love story. Its about a lovely couple who were lived in a small ocean town. They loved each other very much. So, to make a happy life together, one day very early morning the lover boy left the town and started sailing away, just left behind a hand written note pressed in her screened in porch.
After coming far away from home he wound up and stuck there, but he couldn't stop thinking about his sweetheart. His heart always wanted to fly away with the wind. He wished that if the air could carry his love & feelings to her, that how much he loves her and he will come back home,where she still eagerly waiting for his coming.
The first track of the album is " Captain Of The Sky " is an acoustic pop that a continuous narrative of adventure.
Another beautiful Track " Tennis Elbow " is a catchy continuous guitar beat song. You can hear the song restlessly all day long. The track " I Live Alone " is smooth, slow,heart taking melodious song. " Blue and Red ", " Sailboat " , " A Little Opera Goes A Long Way', " Alaska " have more poppy beats a bit of synthase work.
all songs when you hear, it makes a dreamy environment where anybody can lost. It touches our heart deep down.
Here is the track listing
1# Captain of the sky
2# Brealle
3# Steady as she goes
4# Explorers
5# A Little opera goes a long way
6# Tennis elbow
7# Blue and Red
8# Alaska
9# I Live Alone
10# Take me somewhere nice
11# Sailboat
A bonus track
12# Flower of the field